Aug 27,2020
Wanhuida Partner Speaks at BIPPA Webinar
On 27 August 2020, the webinar entitled “Good Faith Principle and Obligation of Use in Trademark Registration”, which was jointly hosted by the Beijing Intellectual Property Protection Association (BIPPA), Beijing Intellectual Property Development Salon and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Intellectual Property Development Alliance, organized by Wanhuida Intellectual Property, is held in Beijing.
Dr. Huang Hui, Wanhuida Partner and Management Committee member is the guest speaker of the webinar. Dr. Huang’s presentation covers a spectrum of matters including trademark examination trend, curbing of trademarks that are not registered for use, measures in combating bad faith trademark filings/registrations, invalidation administrative proceeding as well as cancellation based on non-use for three consecutive years.
The webinar has around 200 in-house counsel registrants from a variety of industries including electronics, FMCG, medical care, personal care, retail, pharmaceutical and life sciences, among others.