
Jul 29,2023

Wanhuida Partner speaks at CUHK event

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From 28th to 29th July 2023, the 15th IP Conference, which is jointly organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) LAW, Centre for Legal Innovation and Digital Society (CLINDS), Asia Innovation and Intellectual Property Society, Kinetic Law and United States – China Intellectual Property Institute Inc (USCIPI), is convened at CUHK Graduate Law Centre in Hong Kong.

Themed “Navigating Innovation and IP Amid Global Turbulence”, the event discusses a plethora of matters including “ChatGPT and the Law”, “Business of IP Licensing”, “IP & Life Science”, “IP-based Business Models in China”, “AI, NFTs, and Data Governance”, “Financing at the Age of Turbulence”, among others.

It is a star-studded event featuring keynote session on “Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Creation and the Future Path of Copyright Law”, which is moderated by Prof. Steven GALLAGHER, Associate Dean (Academic and Student Affairs) & Professor in Practice of Law, CUHK LAW.

In the “Trademarks and Unfair Competition” panel, Dr. Huang Hui, Partner and Management Committee member of Wanhuida Intellectual Property, shares his insights on “About Use, Bad Faith and Well-Known Mark in the 5th Amendment of PRC Trademark Law”. Fellow speakers include Prof. Danny FRIEDMANN, Associate Professor, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Prof. Jyh-An LEE, Professor and Executive Director, Centre for Legal Innovation & Digital Society, CUHK LAW as well as Ms. Jingwen LIU, PhD Candidate, CUHK LAW. Topics being discussed also include “The Dog Who Mistook His Chewy-Toy For a Whiskey Bottle—Jack Daniels v VIP at the U.S. Supreme Court” and “Fashion IP in China”.