
Jan 09,2017

WAN HUI DA Sponsors BIPDS 2017 Annual Meeting

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On January 6, 2017, the “First Intellect Neo Economy Forum and Beijing Intellectual Property Development Salon 2017 Annual Meeting”, which is co-organised by the Beijing Intellectual Property Protection Association and the Beijing Intellectual Property Development Salon (BIPDS), is held in Beijing.

The forum is unveiled by the Opening Remark of Pan Xinsheng, Vice Commissioner of Beijing Intellectual Property Office, followed by the informative keynote speech delivered by Guo He, Vice Dean of Intellectual Property Academy of Renmin University, Lei Jiasu, Director of Center for Enterprise Growth and National Economic Security Research, Tsinghua University (CEGESR), Chen Jinqiao, Assistant Chief Engineer, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), Chen Xiaofeng, Deputy General Manager, Chinese Academy of Sciences Holdings Co., Ltd., as well as Wang Hongbin, General Counsel of Intel (China) Co., Ltd.

The floor is later prepared by a Session themed “Diversified Protection of Intellectual Property”, featuring crossover dialogue among Han Xiucheng, Director of SIPO IPR Development & Research Center, Song Yushui, Vice President of Beijing Intellectual Property Court, Li Hu, Deputy Secretary General of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) as well as Huang Hui, Senior Partner of WAN HUI DA.

Dr. Huang Hui speaks on the “Comprehensive Trademark Enforcement Action through Civil, Administrative and Criminal Proceeding” at the session.

Q&A Session

The forum attracts over 300 attendees from local businesses, universities and law firms.

Participants from WAN HUI D also include Partner Sheng Anping, IPR Counsel Shi Liyan as well as Trademark Counsel Fu Ye.