
Nov 18,2016

WAN HUI DA Delegates Joins IPRC in its Visit to Japan

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From November 15 to 18, 2016, Mr. Yin Xintian, IPRC (Intellectual Property Right Center) President and Mr. Cao Zhongqiang, IPRC Director travel to Japan and have multiple meetings with the Japan Patent Office, local business and law firm. Senior Partner Mr. Zhu Zhigang, Of Counsel Mr. Cui Xuefeng as well as Legal Counsel Ms. Han Ying of WAN HUI DA, join IPRC delegation in its visit to Japan.

Visit to JPO

In the morning of Wednesday November 16, Mr. Toshio MAMIYA, Director-General of Policy Planning and Coordination Department, Japan Patent Office, welcomes the delegates from IPRC and WAN HUI DA. IPRC President Yin Xintian briefs Mr. MAMIYA about the visit and expresses gratitude towards the office’s endorsement over the JETRO symposium to be held in the afternoon.

Photo with Mr. MAMIYA (third from left)

The delegates then meet Mr. Yoichi GOTANI, Director General of JPO Patent Examination Department, Electronic Technology. Mr. GOTANI has been paying close attention to China’s IPR system ever since he worked in Beijing as the Director of Intellectual Property Rights Department, JETRO Beijing. Discussion focuses on the similarities and difference between the Sino-Japan trademark and patent examination mechanism.

Photo with Mr. GOTANI (third from left)

Addressing the JETRO Seminar

In Wednesday afternoon, the “China Intellectual Property Symposium” (the Symposium), which is hosted by the Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), is held in Tokyo. The Symposium is moderated by Mr. Daisuke TAKAMURA, Deputy Director of Intellectual Property Division, Intellectual Property and Innovation Department, JETRO. The Symposium attracts over 200 attendees from the IIPPF (International Intellectual Property Protection Forum) membership.

Mr. Yin Xintian gives the audience an informative presentation featuring updates on the legislation and amendment of China’s Patent Law and interpretation on various matters that have been addressed in the latest draft of Patent Law including: “change to the definition of service invention”, “extension for the period of protection of design patent”, “reinforcing the competence of Patent Reexamination Board”, “enhancing patent administrative enforcement”, “regulation on joint and several liability in patent infringement”, “damages for patent infringement”, “joint and several liability of internet service providers”, as well as “royalties for patent involved in national standards”.

Mr. Yin Xintian

Mr. Cao Zhongqiang’s presentation updates the floor on the major legislative change made by the third amendment to China’s Trademark Law, the new regulations released by or organizational changes made by the administrative agencies, as well as the current practice on trademark registration, enforcement and adjudication.

Mr. Cao Zhongqiang

Mr. Cui Xuefeng’s presentation titled “New Development of China IPR Judicial Protection and New Features of IPR Litigation”, featuring the jurisdiction system of China’s IPR courts, technical investigator mechanism and the promulgation of supporting rules and transitional measures, IPR judicial protection highlights of Chinese courts, as well as the new trends in infringement litigation.

Mr. Cui Xuefeng

Mr. Zhu Zhigang shares with the audience a presentation titled “Trademark Protection in China”, featuring administrative remedial measures of the Customs and the AIC, tips on civil litigation strategy, criminal prosecution and private prosecution, as well as brand owner’s role in criminal prosecution procedure.

Mr. Zhu Zhigang

Q&A Session

Full House


Visit to Nikon HQ

In the morning of Thursday November 17, Mr. Wang Gang, Deputy General Manager of Nikon Imaging (China) Sales Co., Ltd. and Ms. Kumiko SAITO, Section Manager of 2nd Section, Intellectual Property Planning Department, Intellectual Property Division, Nikon Corporation give the delegates a private at Nikon Museum.

Later, Mr. Hideya INOUE, Associate Vice President & General Manager of Intellectual Property Division and Mr. Keiji OSAWA, Department Manager of Intellectual Property Planning Department, Intellectual Property Division, Nikon Corporation, meet the delegates.

Photo with Mr. INOUE (fourth from left),

Mr. OSAWA (second from right) and

Mr. Wang Gang (second from left)

Visit to Local Law Firm

In Thursday afternoon, the delegates visit local law firm DAI-ICHI International Patent Office and meet with the firm’s Managing Partner Mr. Kazuo SEKI. In-depth discussion focuses on the IPR prosecution and contentious matters as well as practical know-how that concern Japanese corporations.

Photo with Mr. SEKI (Third from left)

The visit advocates China’s IPR system and furthers communication between the delegates and the Japanese IP authorities, brand owners and IP practitioners.