
Oct 17,2020

Wanhuida Partner Speaks at CPIPS 2020 in Shanghai

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From 14th to 17th October 2020, the 5th China Pharma IP Summit 2020 (CPIPS), which themes “Strengthening IP Protection to Accelerate the Transformation & Upgrade of Global Pharma Industry”, is convened in Shanghai.


The CPIPS 2020 features informative workshops and thought-provoking group discussions, encompassing topics including “Pharma IP Protection in Japan and South Korea”, “IP Operation and Management, Tech Transfer, and Strategy in License-In/Out”, “Challenges and Opportunities Under China Pharma IP Reform (Patent Linkage and Patent Term Extension)”, “Patent Examination and Enforcement in China”, “Patentable Subject Matter, Patenting Antibodies and Cell & Gene Therapies”, “Pharma IP Development, Patent Dance, Patent Cliff, ANDA Litigation and Antitrust Issues”, as well as “US Pharma Patent Examination Practices, Biosimilars and Generics Going Out”.


Tang Tiejun, Partner of Wanhuida Intellectual Property speaks on “Supplementary Experimental Data in the US-China Phase-1 Trade Agreement”. The most recent effective decisions of the Supreme People’s Court and exemplary patent re-examination and invalidity cases are cited to delineate the CNIPA’s examination practice of supplementary experimental data in the granting and invalidation procedure of pharmaceutical patent. Ms. Tang also makes projections on the future trend of CNIPA’s supplementary experimental data examination based on the draft Guidance on Patent Examination.

In the Q&A session, Ms. Tang shares in length her first-hand experience and insights with the audience on topics of interests. Fellow panelist speakers include Zhang Qingkui, Honorary Director of Pharma IP Committee, China Pharmaceutical Association, Shen Dongmin, Senior Director, CSPC Holding, Karen (Hua) Guo, Director, China Patents, Novo Nordisk, among others. The Q&A session is moderated by Cheng Yongshun, Director of Beijing Intellectual Property Institute.

Tang Tiejun in Q&A Session (3rd from the right)

The firm’s Senior Associate Dr. Wu Xiaoping and Associate Guan Yue also attend the summit.


The event brings together more than 200 attendees, including leading in-house IP counsels, patent prosecutors and litigators, government officials and policy experts from around the world, sharing their insights on how to navigate seismic changes in both regulatory and IP landscape and business community.