
Sep 13,2022

Wanhuida attends INTA TMAP Meeting

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From September 11 to September 13, the “2022 Trademark Administrators and Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting”, which is organized by the International Trademark Association (INTA) is held in-person in Arlington, Virginia, USA.

The meeting features informative discussion and best practice sharing on:

1. Trademark work process improvement and best practices, including tips on managing large TM projects, working effectively with outside counsel and clients, and utilizing today’s IP technology

2. Hot topics in online IP protection, including metaverse and brand influencers considerations

3. Career path advice directly geared toward trademark administrators and young practitioners

4. Updates on bad faith filings, designs and copyrights, ADR and mediation, domains, and data privacy.

The meeting attracts more than 300 registrants from more than 40 countries.

Wanhuida Intellectual Property is a platinum sponsor of the meeting. The firm sets up a booth at the meeting, its Partner and Management Committee Member Jason Yao, Senior Trademark Counsel Huang Mei and Paralegal Carmine Bai attend the meeting.

The TMAP is the premier event for trademark administrators, paralegals, young practitioners, and attorneys who manage a global trademark portfolio.

Jason Yao (R1)

Wanhuida booth