
Nov 22,2023

Wanhuida listed in Top 100 China Trademark Agencies

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On 22nd November 2023, under the auspices of the China Trademark Association (CTA), China Trademark Magazine and IPHOUSE jointly release the “List of Top 600 China Trademark Agencies”.

The press conference is moderated by Yi Penghua, VP, IPHOUSE. Ma Fu, CTA President and Zhang Yuning, CTA Deputy Secretary General and President of China Trademark Magazine deliver welcome speech. Zhang Xuan, President of IPHOUSE presents the “Assessment Report on China Trademark Agencies (2022 - 2023)” and the “List of Top 600 China Trademark Agencies”.

Wanhuida Intellectual Property is listed in the Top 100 China Trademark Agencies.

Bai Gang, the firm’s Founding Partner and Management Committee Chair delivers a keynote speech at the press conference. Mr. Bai underlines the pivotal role the CTA plays in assessing and identifying top performers in the nation’s trademark legal service industry by leveraging big data and advanced algorithm.

List of Top 100 China Trademark Agencies

Bai Gang delivering keynote speech