Nov 22,2023
Wanhuida Partner moderates INTA - CTA NTM policy dialogue in Beijing
On November 22, 2023, the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the China Trademark Association (CTA) hold a joint policy dialogue in Beijing. The policy dialogue is themed “Non-traditional Mark (NTM): Protection of Shape Marks in East Asia”.
Monica Su, Chief Representative, INTA China Office and Wu Dongping, CTA Secretary General, deliver welcome remarks at the event.
The event features intense and engaging discussion, expanding from the recognition, registration into the criminal enforceability of NTMs. The case law matrix across the region showcases precedents of considerable weight, making it a fascinating reference to draw from.
Yang Mingming, Partner at Wanhuida Intellectual Property moderates the first half of the panel discussion, in the capacity of Chair of INTA APAC NTM subcommittee. Panelists share insights on subjects from “Protection of Shape Marks in Mainland China”, “Shape marks in Hong Kong”, to “Three-dimensional Trademark in Japan” and “Registration of a Three-dimensional mark in Korea”.
The firm’s Partners Lei Yongjian, Li Yunquan and Cai Ye also attend the policy dialogue. The policy dialogue is well attended by trademark practitioners both online and offline.
Wu Dongping (Middle)
Monica Su (Middle)
Yang Mingming