
Sep 21,2023

Wanhuida Partner lectures at JIIIOSAKA event

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On 21st September 2023, Osaka Institute of Invention and Innovation of Japan (JIIIOSAKA) organizes a virtual lecture featuring the “Amending Trend of China’s Trademark Law and Coping Strategy of Japanese Corporations”.

The lecture attracts corporate in-house counsels from around 50 Japanese businesses including Meiji Holdings, KANEKA, AICOM, SNK, among others.

Li Bin, Partner and Management Committee Member, Wanhuida Intellectual Property prepares the floor on the major amendments proposed by the CNIPA draft to the 2019 Trademark Law in terms of trademark use requirement, countermeasures against bad faith filing/registration, execution of trademark rights, prevention of trademark abuse, among others. She also offers practical takeaways to attendees on measures to cope with the potential amendments from a case law perspective.

The lecture concludes with a Q&A session where Ms. Li provides detailed answers to a plethora of questions raised by the attendees.