
Jun 24,2017

WAN HUI DA Speaks at GI Forum in Beijing

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On June 24, 2017, the "Forum on Protection & Enforcement of Geographical Indications in China & EU" (the event), which is hosted by the Tsinghua University School of Law and the French Embassy in China, sponsored by the Beijing Justra IP Center, is held at the campus of Tsinghua University.

Cui Guobin, Vice Dean of the Tsinghua University School of Law and Mr. Jean-Baptiste BARBIER, Intellectual Property Attaché and representative of the French Industrial Property Office (INPI) based at the French Embassy in Beijing, deliver welcome speech at the forum.

The event features keynote speech and discussion centering on "Protection of Geographical Indications" and "Best Practice of Geographical Indications".

Anne Laumonier, Legal Counsellor in charge of Geographical Indications, Ministry of Agriculture, Agri-food and Forestry, France introduces the GI protection in France. Jiang Qi, Chief of the GI Section under the China Trademark Office, Zhou Bo, Presiding Judge of the IPR Tribunal of the Beijing High Court, Gao Fang, Staff with the Center for Farm Produce Quality & Safety, Ministry of Agriculture, as well as Jiang Ge, Associate Professor of the Tsinghua University School of Law speak on the GI protection in China.

Wang Wei, Chief Representative of CIVC (COMITE INTERPROFESSIONNEL DU VIN DE CHAMPAGNE) China Office, Jean BELAUBE, Secretary General of CIVB (Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux) and WAN HUI DA Senior Partner Huang Hui speaks on the "Best Practice of Geographical Indications".

The event attracts around 100 attendees from the authorities, universities, local business and law firms.