
Oct 25,2017

Wanhuida Peksung Senior Partner Attends Global Network Summit Meeting

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Under the auspices of the Global Network of National IP Practitioner Associations, the 9th Summit Meeting of the Global Network is convened on October 25, 2017 in Venice, Italy. The one-day meeting features topics including:


  The Global Dossier and its impact on IP practice in the future

The new IP5 Industry Consultation Group and the Procedural Harmonization initiatives being undertaken by the IP5 Offices

The Substantive Harmonization initiatives being undertaken by the Industry Trilateral and the Group B+

The e-PCT and other developments at WIPO that may affect IP practitioners

  Significant developments in Attorney/Agent and Client Protection of communications

A panel discussion on Patentable Subject Matter in the US, Europe and Asia

New simplified IDS requirements in the USPTO

  An update on legislative initiatives in Europe, the U.S. and elsewhere

Other topics of financial and legal interest to IP practitioners world-wide

  Amendment to the Statutes

Election of President and Officers

  Report and proposal for the Global Network Website;



Designated by the All-China Patent Attorneys Association (ACPAA), Wanhuida Peksung Senior Partner Jiang Jiancheng attends the meeting in an observer capacity.