
Oct 21,2017

Wanhuida Peksung Speaks at SPC Event in Shenzhen

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On October 21, 2017, under the auspices of the Supreme People's Court Intellectual Property Judicial Protection Research Center, the "Fourth Symposium on the Hot Issues of Intellectual Property Protection in China", which is jointly organised by the Supreme People's Court Judicial Protection Theoretical Research Base (Shenzhen University) and the Shenzhen University Law School / School of Intellectual Property, is held in Shenzhen.

The Symposium features discussions regarding "Curbing Bad Faith Trademark Applications" and "Comments on the Internet Unfair Competition Clauses in the Draft Amendment to the Anti-Unfair Competition Law".

Wanhuida Peksung Senior Partner Dr. Huang Hui shares his perspective and practice on the subject "Curbing Bad Faith Trademark Applications" at the Symposium.

The Symposium attracts numerous academicians, judges as well as reputed practitioners.