
Oct 28,2017

Wanhuida Peksung Senior Partner Speaks at FICPI's 17th Open Forum

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On 25 - 28 October 2017, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys' (FICPI) 17th Open Forum (the Forum) is convened in Venice, Italy. The Forum aims to provide information on topics of current interest in intellectual property, facilitate an exchange of ideas and information, stimulate debate as well as note the opinions of practitioners.


The Forum presents the attendees with diversified and rewarding programmes, featuring sessions focusing on:


1.    Mediation: an Interactive Experience

2.    A Question of Priority: Five Things You Should Know about Priority Rights

3.    Border Control: Special Programmes to Prevent Piracy and Counterfeiting

4.    Finding the Right People: How to Find and Get the People You Need

5.    Disclosures in the Grey Area

6.    International Trade Mark & Design/Patent Litigation: Gucci V. Guess – Apple V. Samsung. What Lessons Can Be Learned?

7.    Keeping the Right People

8.    3d Printing: What to Do When the Infringer is Everywhere

9.    What is Registrable as a Trade Mark and Where?

10.  Time Management: Staying In Control of Your Working Day

11.  Self-Collision: How to Avoid Shooting Your Client in the Foot!

12.  International IP Rights: Tips and Tricks International Trade Mark Applications

13.  Management in a Nutshell: Simple Things to Do and To Avoid

14.  Online Platforms: Why Do You Still Need a Patent Attorney?

15.  Trade Marks and the Bottom Line: Valuation of Trade Marks and Branding In the 21st Century

16.  Cooperation with Non-Lawyer Firms: Bridging the Gap between IP Firms and External Service Providers

17.  Extra Judicial Enforcement: Crossing Borders

18.  Emerging Markets: Are You Ready to Advice Your Clients?

19.  Decision Making: How to Come to a Decision in a Partnership


Wanhuida Peksung Senior Partner Jiang Jiancheng speaks on "Restoration of Priority Rights" at Session "A Question of Priority Five things you should know about priority rights" in the capacity of Vice President of FICPI China.