
Mar 22,2024

Wanhuida case wins Unifab award at 2024 EIPF

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Organized by French association Union des Fabricants (unifab), the 28th edition of the European Intellectual Property Forum (EIPF), which is also known as “Forum Européen de la Propriété Intellectuelle” in French, takes place at the Pavillon Dauphine on March 21st and 22nd 2024. The highly anticipated event, which themes “What legislative, digital, technological, and practical disruptions are affecting intellectual property?”, brings together over 350 participants and key players in the intellectual property field.

Throughout two days, the event features heated discussions and debate of renowned figures and eminent speakers in the anti-counterfeiting ecosystem. Christophe Blanchet, French Member of Parliament for Calvados and President of the French Anti-Counterfeiting Committee (CNAC), prepares the floor on the legislative advancements in the IP field. Guillaume Vanderheyden, International Trade Deputy Director, French Customs General Directorate, emphasises the customs administration’s commitment to protecting and promoting authenticity. Pierre Hoffman, President of Paris Bar, shared his reflections on new challenges anticipated in defending the IP rights. Pascal Faure, Director General of the INPI, and Joao Negrao, Executive Director of the EUIPO, highlight the collaboration between international public organizations and the private sector in combating counterfeiting, transcending borders and showcasing the impact of French legislation on IP worldwide.

Discussions center on a slew of hot button topics including “2024 Sport events”, “Is Europe the driving force in intellectual property protection?”, “Human intelligence versus artificial intelligence: which risks for what benefits?” and “How international platforms adapt themselves to the DSA?”

Day 1 climaxes with the presentation of the Unifab award, a prize dedicated to honoring the best legal decision of the year 2023, awarded to HERMES and BNIC.

Wanhuida Intellectual Property represented BNIC, the French National Bureau of Cognac Industry in prevailing in both instances of the unfair competition suit against Ford Motor Company, where the Chinese Courts found unfair competition, ordered cessation and awarded damages of RMB 2 million.

The winners were chosen by the deliberations of a distinguished jury through a rigorous process. The jury is presided by Philippe COEN, Legal Vice-President, Walt Disney & General Secretary, Unifab, consisting of members including Guylène KIESEL LE COSQUER, President of the French Institute of Patent & Trademark Attorneys (CNCPI), Patricia Garcia Ecudero, Director of the European Observatory of intellectual property infringement, EUIPO, Julien Delucenay, President, Law Practitioners Association APRAM, John Anderson, President, Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group (GACG), as well as Yann Basire, Director General and the Director of Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), University of Strasbourg.

The event also provided participants with the opportunity to interact with Unifab international experts from around the world, sharing best practices and legislative developments specific to their respective areas.

Paul Ranjard, the firm’s Partner attends the roundtable in the capacity of Unifab’s Chinese expert.

Paul Ranjard (L1)