May 22,2017
WAN HUI DA Co-organises CTA Panel in Barcelona
At 3:30 - 5:30 pm Monday May 22nd, 2017, the China Trademark Association Panel (CTA Panel) is held in Barcelona, Spain.
The CTA Panel, as part of the INTA annual meeting,
features updates on the latest developments on China's trademark practice, from
the perspective of prosecution, enforcement and litigation.
The Panel is unveiled by the welcome remark of INTA
CEO Etienne Sanz de Acedo. Ouyang Shaohua, Deputy Counsel of the China
Trademark Office (CTMO) and Li Zhijun, Deputy Director, Trademark Review and
Adjudication Board (TRAB) prepare the floor on the "Reforming Measures to
Facilitate Trademark Registration" and "New Progress of Trademark
Review since 2016".
WAN HUI DA Senior Partner Huang Hui serves as the
moderator and facilitator of the "Trademark Protection from the Business
Perspective" session. The session features speech and panel discussions
Update on IPR protection of the e-commerce platform
- Ellen Lin, Senior Legal Director of JD Group
How to Protect IPR at Alibaba Platforms? - Lynn
X.L. FU, Brand Protection Cooperation Director, Platform Governance Department,
Alibaba Group
A Survey of the Judicial Protection of Trademarks
in China - A Case Study of the Mega Data Analysis of the Trademark Lawsuits in
China in 2016 - Pu Xiang, CEO, IPhouse
Redefine Domain Name Registration and Protection
Mechanism from the Trademark Protection Perspective - Dennis Cai, President,
Policy and Compliance, Domain Registry
New Strategy and New Model of IP Service in China
under the transformation from Made-in-China to Branded-in-China - Kong Junmin,
Chairman, CIPRUN
The Panel also addresses the "bad faith
registration" topic. Senior
trademark practitioners from local IP intermediaries share their insights in
this regard from both legislative and practical perspective.
Xiao Yun, Deputy Secretary General, CTA serves as
the concluding speaker of the event.
WAN HUI DA Senior Partner Bai Gang and Partner
Cindy Shu Qi Zhen attend the panel.
The Panel, which is organised by CTA, is
co-organised by JD, Alibaba, WAN HUI DA, IPhouse as well as half a dozen other