Jun 28,2018
Wanhuida Senior Partner Attends CTA Think Tank Session
On June 28, 2018, the Second Session of the “China Trademark Elite Workshop”, which is organised by the China Trademark Association (CTA), is held in Beijing. The “China Trademark Elite Workshop” is a non-governmental and non-profitable trademark think tank initiated by the CTA, aiming to promote policy research, academic exchange and best practice in the trademark field.
Mr. Liu Junchen, Vice Commissioner of the newly restructured State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) delivers keynote speech at the session. Mr. Ma Fu, CTA President moderates the session.
The session focuses on providing insights on the fourth amendment to China’s Trademark Law. Dr. Huang Hui, Senior Partner of Wanhuida attends the session. The session attracts a total of 50 attendees, including officials from the state trademark agencies, senior judges, professors from universities and research institutes as well as representatives from local IP agencies.